The first flush toilet was invented in 1596 in England by Sir John Harington, the godson of Queen Elizabeth I. Over time, many inventors improved its design.
We use these inventions every day. Could you live without one?
Learning Objective: Students will gather and use information about toilets and light bulbs to support an argument.
Illustrations by Pete McDonnell
Toilets send waste to sewers, keeping it off of streets and out of yards. This helps prevent diseases from spreading.
Without a toilet . . .
. . . you would need another way to get rid of your waste!
That’s important because human poop contains germs that cause disease. Before flush toilets were invented, people often dumped waste into the streets or rivers. Others collected it in holes in the ground. As a result, germs spread in drinking water and made people sick. Unfortunately, about 3.6 billion people who don’t have access to flush toilets today still face these risks.
Illustrations by Pete McDonnell
Light bulbs use electricity to produce light in a way that’s safer than candles and lanterns.
Without a light bulb . . .
. . . your life would be a lot darker!
Traveling or working in darkness can be difficult and dangerous. You might need to wake up early to make the most of the sun’s light, then go to bed at sunset. That’s what people did before light bulbs existed. (It’s also what 675 million people who live without electricity still do today!) Gas lamps and candles provide some light, but they can be dangerous. If they tip over, they could start a fire.
Which would you rather live without?
Which would you rather live without?
Which would you rather live without?
1. PREPARE TO READ (5 minutes)
Discuss factors that affect decision making.
2. READ AND Evaluate (20 minutes)
Gather information and weigh the evidence.
3. RESPOND TO READING (20 minutes)
Write and evaluate an evidence-based opinion.